Giới thiệu

La CCIFV et l'AFV, avec le soutien des associations francophones du Vietnam (UFE et l'ADFE), organisent l'événement phare de la rentrée de la communauté française*.
Rassemblant tous les ans près de 450 francophones et francophiles, cet événement est l’occasion, cette année plus que jamais, de rassembler notre communauté après la pause estivale, dans une atmosphère détendue et conviviale.

*le maintien de cet évènement sera conditionnée par les directives des autorités vietnamiennes, en cas d'annulation un remboursement des tickets achetés sera effectué

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The CCIFV and the AFV, with the support of the French associations of Vietnam (UFE and ADFE), are organizing the flagship event of the the French community*.
Gathering every year nearly 450 Francophones and Francophiles, this event is an opportunity, this year more than ever, to gather after the summer break, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

*the maintenance of this event will be conditioned by the directives of the Vietnamese authorities, in case of cancellation a refund of the purchased tickets will be made

Note: Red Invoice will not be issued for any customers purchasing tickets for this event. 

Thông tin vé

Early Bird until 17/09 - member

700.000 VND
Vé ngừng bán online

Only for CCIFV member and AFV member (on presentation of the member card)
Price until 17/09, after that: 800.000vnd
Include in the entrance ticket: wine & french food, entertainment & live music

Early Bird until 17/09 - member pack of 10 tickets

640.000 VND
Vé ngừng bán online

Only for CCIFV member and AFV member (on presentation of the member card)
Price until 17/09, after that: 7.200.000vnd for 10 tickets
Include in the entrance ticket: wine & french food, entertainment & live music

Early Bird until 17/09 - non member

800.000 VND
Vé ngừng bán online

Price until 17/09, after that: 900.000vnd
Include in the entrance ticket: wine & french food, entertainment & live music

From 18/09 - member

800.000 VND
Vé ngừng bán online

Only for CCIFV member and AFV member (on presentation of the member card)
Include in the entrance ticket: wine & french food, entertainment & live music

From 18/09 - member pack of 10 tickets

650.000 VND
720.000 VND Vé ngừng bán online

Only for CCIFV member and AFV member (on presentation of the member card)
Include in the entrance ticket: wine & french food, entertainment & live music

From 18/09 - non member

900.000 VND
Vé ngừng bán online

Include in the entrance ticket: wine & french food, entertainment & live music

Nhà tổ chức

Chambre de Commerce & Industrie France Vietnam - French Chamber of Commerce & Industry France Vietnam

La Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie France-Vietnam est née en 1989 à l’initiative d’hommes d’affaires installés à Hô-Chi-Minh Ville.

Association de droit local à but non lucratif, la CCIFV appartient au réseau mondial des Chambres de Commerce et d’Industrie France International (CCI France International) qui réunit 126 chambres dans 95 pays.

Aujourd’hui, la CCIFV regroupe plus de 300 entreprises membres, pour la plupart des filiales de sociétés françaises ou des entreprises créées par des Français au Vietnam.

Liên hệ nhà tổ chức